Tips and Tricks

Nine Skincare Tips For Travellers

Nine Skincare Tips For Travellers

Travelling is a dream come true for so many people; but with all its perks, there are a few downsides. One of these is the toll it takes on your skin. Now you may think that this is not a problem, and honestly you are right. There are far worse things than bad skin, and truthfully, after a day of activities and experiences, most of us only have tunnel vision for the hotel room bed. However, that does not mean you should neglect your skincare. Skincare for travellers is vital.

Taking care of your skin is extremely important because exposer to various weather and environmental conditions, eating foods that may not be a part of your typical diet, and having erratic sleep patterns, all impact your body. The state of the air is especially relevant because our skin often breaks out due to lack of moisture, and when travelling on planes, you are exposed to dry air for long periods at a time. 

All these factors affect your skin, but they do not have to destroy it – so read on for nine skincare tips for travellers who want to implement and uphold a consistent skincare routine while on the go.

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Skincare Tips For Travellers

Short and Simple Routines Are Key

The #1 skincare tip any traveller would share with you is to keep your routine short and simple, and as close to your regular routine as possible. Doing this will make it easier to follow, even if you are incredibly tired. If you have to pack light, then pack the essentials: mask, cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen.

SPF and Moisturiser Are You Best Friends

Even if you forget everything else, do not forget to pack a moisturizer with an SPF of at least 30 (lotions for the body should have an SPF of at least 50). More often than not, you can find products that combine the two and that’s even better when you have limited space.

Lip balms with SPF are also essential.

Water Is The Holy Grail

Your skincare routine means nothing without drinking plenty of water, even when in cooler climates. Staying hydrated = clear skin because your flushes out toxins more easily.

Stay Hydrated On The Plane

Keep your skin hydrated when on the plane because the air usually very dry. This can be easily done by drinking water, and for long-haul flights, wearing face masks or using face mists every couple of hours.

Tailor Your Routine To Your Destination

There really isn’t a one case fits all when it comes to skincare, and even more so when your are travelling, but try to tailor your routine to your destination. For example, if you tend to use a rich moisturizer but are vacationing somewhere hot and humid, switch to something more lightweight – and vice versa.

Get Enough Sleep

I get it, when you’re on holiday you want to soak up as much fun as you can, and sleep can go out the window. But everyone needs to relax and rejuvenate because its not only good for your skin, its great for your mental and physical health. Besides, the whole point of going on vacation is to let your mind and body rest from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Wipe Off Your Make Up

I don’t need to explain this. ALWAYS wipe off your make up at the end of the day. I know this can be tough when you’re exhausted and all you want to do is sleep, but taking a few minutes to wipe of your make up protects your skin for years to come.

Big Things Come In Small Packages

If you’re anything like me, you’re most likely never paying for checked baggage for short haul flights, so 100ml and 10kg is forever going to be your limit. Unfortunately, travel size products are ridiculously expensive. So what’s the solution? Buy travel bottles and fill them up from your regular products. It’s cheaper and more environmentally friendly.

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